Cyber Attacks using AI Technology

Cyber Attacks using AI technology – Are you Prepared for what’s coming?

Posted on Aug

Protecting your business from AI-powered Scams and Deep Fakes

An Arizona family recently made headlines when they issued a warning to others about a disturbing incident they encountered. Scammers targeted them with an AI-powered ransom call, using advanced technology to clone their daughter’s voice convincingly. The scammers’ ultimate goal was to extort money from the parents by making them believe their daughter had been kidnapped.

DeLynne Bock, the mother of Payton Bock and the primary target of the con, emphasized that she is usually adept at spotting fake scam calls. However, this particular incident took things to an entirely new level. According to the news story, the scammers made the call to their home, and DeLynne’s husband answered. On the other end of the line, a man was shouting, using foul language, and claiming that their daughter had caused an accident, leaving his car damaged. He further threatened them, stating that he had their daughter tied up in the back of his truck.

What made this call especially convincing was the use of a deep fake version of their daughter’s voice – pleading for help and crying, leaving DeLynne and her husband deeply distressed. Despite their attempts to reach their daughter via phone, they couldn’t get through to her, adding to their anxiety. Fearing for their daughter’s safety, DeLynne contacted the police while her husband kept the scammer on the line. She was certain that the voice she heard was genuinely her daughter’s, making her believe this was not a mere impersonation but an actual kidnapping.

Apparently, this wasn’t an isolated incident, which is how the were able to suggest it could be a scam. It highlights the growing trend of hackers exploiting AI technology to create convincing deep fakes for malicious purposes. The rapid advancement of AI and ChatGPT has put such scams in the spotlight, raising awareness about the potential harm caused by AI in the wrong hands.

It’s not a stretch to imagine the use of AI to fake a CEO’s voice, signature or writing style in an e-mail, text, call or instant message to trick an employee into sending money or doing things that would severely harm the organization, such as providing login or access to the company’s network, data, or critical applications. As this incident demonstrates, AI can be a potent tool for cybercriminals to extort money, harm organizations, and steal confidential information.

The threat of AI-powered scams extends beyond personal incidents. A report released by security experts at Home Security Heroes revealed that 51% of common passwords could be cracked in less than one minute using AI. Even complex passwords with seven characters, incorporating uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, proved vulnerable to AI-based attacks, taking only minutes to crack.

Given the rising threats, it is crucial for all business owners to recognize that relying solely on strong passwords and simple antivirus software is no longer sufficient to protect their organizations. Today, implementing comprehensive security awareness training for employees is essential. Regularly sharing informative articles like this one can help employees stay vigilant against scams, but businesses must go further. Consistent reminders and formal training sessions ensure that security awareness remains a top priority. It is a misconception to believe that employees are “too smart” to fall for scams. If scammers can successfully clone a voice to deceive a mother, they can just as easily trick an employee into compromising sensitive data or transferring funds.

Secondly, to strengthen your organization’s defense against AI-powered attacks, we recommend collaborating with your IT company. Implement robust security layers and protection measures as well as well as disaster recovery protocols to enable data recovery in the event of a ransomware attack. Investing in comprehensive cybersecurity is not an area to cut corners on. Many assume that they won’t be targeted, or that any attack will be a minor inconvenience. However, the reality is that a cyber or ransomware attack can be costly, crippling, and devastating to a business.

In addition to employee training and cybersecurity measures, businesses should adopt proactive measures to protect clients’ data and information. You can bring in IT security consultants to review your existing practices to validate your security practices.

To ensure your IT services provider is effectively protecting your business, click the button bel to request a FREE IT risk Consultation. This review is straightforward and provides a high-level review of your current security posture and readiness against cyber-attacks. Taking proactive measures will go a long way in minimizing risks and safeguarding your organization’s future.

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